Diathermy is also known as shortwave diathermy and is a therapeutic device used by physical medicine doctors to treat joint, muscle and ligamentous injuries such as muscle strain/strains, tendinitis and bursitis. Diathermy has also been used in respiratory conditions such as bronchitis because it helps to reduce bronchial tube contracture, improving airways flow, thereby improving breathing.
How it Works:
Unlike ultrasound, which uses soundwaves to heat soft tissues, diathermy uses electromagnetic energy to produce thermal and non-thermal physiology effects. The new generation diathermy devices used in our office are easy to use and safe. The patients feel minimal side effects.
What are the Benefits of Diathermy?
Since our center treats hundreds of patients suffering from muscle and ligamentous injuries, as well as joint conditions, we use diathermy as part of our rehabilitation of these injured areas, which bring about improved blood flow, flexibility and function. Physiologically, diathermy improves blood flow to hardened, contracted or scar tissue, which has lost its ability to relax and to allow blood flow to nourish it. The result is soft tissue adhesions which when found in muscle produce muscle pain, fatigue, lack of flexibility and function. When found in joints, it produces the typical symptoms of arthritis, tight swollen joints, with loss in flexibility. Diathermy is usually used on all our patients prior to stretching or when receiving joint mobilization such as chiropractic, and is usually used to decrease muscle spasm in our acute pain patients, which by far diathermy outperforms even the best massage therapist. With diathermy in our office, our patients are assured to receive the best of care using this device.
How Long Will it Take?
Typically, diathermy takes 15 to 20 minutes depending on the body part being used.
Side Effects of Diathermy?
Most patients experience warmth around the areas that it’s being applied to and an increased sense of blood flow and flexibility. They don’t report burning or pain after treatment.